Evolution of a Hero
by Phil Perich for the Legends of DC Blog
I usually chuckle a little when I hear people talking about how certain DC movies or even the comic books from time to time have changed Superman’s costume and look. But every superhero, even Superman, have changed their costume and appearance from time to time. Here are some of the memorable (and not so memorable) costumes and moments for Superman.
- First appearance: This was how Superman was first drawn starting way back in his first appearance in Action Comics #1 in 1938. A sharp, but very simple design that would pave the way for everything that was to come.
Action Comics #1
2. Silver Age: The Silver age would give us the classic Superman look that most people would probably identify with Superman. Even after the continuity shattering Crisis on Infinite Earths storyline, the costume would basically stay the same just with a few minor tweaks and modernizing touches.
Silver Age
3. Return of Superman: After Superman returns from the dead in 1993, he is powerless, waiting for the sun to recharge his kryptonian DNA. Superman returns from his Fortress of Solitude in battle armor and sporting a black and silver version of his costume (not to mention long hair!).
Return of Superman
4. It’s Electric: After Superman Is drained of all solar radiation, he makes several attempts to jump start his powers. Between these and coming into contact with an other dimensional energy shield, Superman undergoes a physical alteration. No more is he a Man of Steel, but of electricity. Bullets would pass through him, not bounce off. The situation only got weirder when a trap set by the Toyman and the Cyborg Superman split the energy being into two, separate people, Superman Blue and Superman Red. Only when the two sacrifice themselves to save the world by expending all their energies do those energies converge and form into the original Superman!
Superman Blue/Superman Red
5. New 52: Superman’s classic costume remained mostly the same until 2011 when DC Comics rebooted their whole line of comic books and all their characters got more “modern” looking costumes. Superman’s origin was changed so that in the beginning of his career he wore a t-shirt, jeans, and boots and eventually graduated to a light weight armor.
New 52
New 52
What’s your favorite look for Superman? Will we get a new one again when Rebirth hits stores in June? Let me know YOUR thoughts: or
@nightwingpdp or @worldsfinestpod on Twitter.
You can hear me and my cohost Lilith Hellfire (@LilithHellfire) reviewing the new DC Comics every week on our podcast World’s Finest. I also write another blog, the True Believers blog where I discuss all things Marvel Comics. You can find all my podcasts, blogs, and those of others at www.southgatemediagroup,com.
I write a weekly article for on the super hero TV shows of the week titled Super 5.
You can find all my creative endeavors at
That’s it for now. Until next time, don’t let anyone tug on your cape!!